Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Top 5 Events/News of 2008 (that you should know about already)

1. Obama wins the election. (hopefully we won't live to regret it)

2. The economic downturn. (the U.S./Global recession)

3. Bagosora convicted and sentenced for genocide (mastermind behind the Tutsi slaughter in Rwanda '94)

4. Georgia tries to take S. Ossetia (there's nothing quite like pissing off the Russians (aside from pissing off the U.S.))

5. This is a tough one, and there are plenty of stories I could throw in here, ranging from the W. shoe toss, to the Big Three Private Luxury Jets. I feel there may be more horror-some events that need to be noted, but I HAVE to put in the funny, ridiculous blunders of the world for number 5. The inflated CEO bonuses from the big banks, the rise in SUV sales when the oil prices dropped, the aforementioned luxury jets, the pompous governor of Illinois. The list may very well go on and on. At any rate, Happy Holidays.

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