Thursday, October 4, 2012

These are the days, my friends and these are the days, my friends.

I *@&#ing HATE cables.
Well, I officially started at Bradley University in August. My first semester itinerary is a buffet of media and art oriented classes. Typography, Sound Design, New Media Theory, Interactive Media, and Video. I am currently enrolled at 15 credit hours Mon. - Thurs. Then I volunteer as a production assistant for Bradley's Midstate Magazine (a student production). I also work my regular job Fri-Sun. Unfortunately, WTVP and their production schedules seem to mesh with my current schedule, I hope I can get back down there again one day and put some time in.

Ever since I bought my first video camera many years ago I've been completely in love with shooting and editing. I'm looking forward to learning, creating, meeting new people, and last but not least, earning my second degree.

I have yet to make my official "thank you" video for all of the people that donated and helped me get the MacBook that has been so wonderfully helpful here. I'm waiting for the day I have enough time and the right skills to truly thank the people who have helped. It's sad, but in the Interactive Media program, PC users stick out like a sore thumb. Obviously they are often flogged by teachers and/or service bureau employees for attempting to sneak by the rules and bring a PC to class... it just doesn't work that way.

Have I become a Mac snob? No, I love both PCs and Macs. Maybe I've just never spent enough on a PC laptop for it to be considered professional, but this MacBook Pro is putting all my other laptops, combined, to utter shame. This thing is truly a fine piece of machinery. I only hope the people who manufactured and assembled it haven't killed themselves yet and are getting fair pay, I can dream, can't I?

 I'm going to be posting some of my larger projects here, along with some of my favorites. So, here's a few projects I've put together. Nothing special, just trying to get this blog rolling again.

Silly, I know, but it was all done with code (

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